Dating Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: 15 Tips For BPD Relationships

For example, if a loved one with BPD is engaging in impulsive behaviors like going on spending sprees, it can cause major stress within the family. In addition, suicidal gestures can be scary for romantic partners and can introduce lots of stress into the relationship. I follow this thread because I WANT to understand what he’s going through. I recognize I will never truly understand what he literally feels any more than he could ever feel what birthing a baby feels like. So painful every day on both sides I think.

Well he filed this stupid harassment claim on you so you can’t really contact him. And when he does, don’t be so quick to take him back. Tell him that he needs to drop the harassment charge before you’ll let him speak any more to you.

#12. Learn More About BPD

You can’t cling to the past and let your emotions rule your head. Sitting around wondering why your ex won’t call me back is only making you miserable. This is typical of codependents and why their relationships always fail.

Recovering Your Sanity After a BPD Relationship

Being a borderline is no picnic, either. You live in unbearable psychic pain most of the time, and in severe cases, on the border between reality and psychosis. Your illness distorts your perceptions, causing antagonistic behavior and making the world a perilous place.

Dating Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

I love him and hopes to help him out of this. They are pretty bad at controlling their emotions, they’re rarely in the middle ground where they are calm, cool and collected. Either they’re at one end of the spectrum (super fun, cool to be with, energized, excited, etc.), or they’re terrible to be around. You got to get good at shutting down their terrible side when it occurs. Boundary setting, not walking on eggshells, etc. That is why women never feel satisfied when they are dating these sociopaths.

I have been there for him while I go thru my own struggles. He has been upfront with me on his mental illness and struggles, his relationship patterns, his depression and his inablility to commit to someone. I am truely the only person he has in his life, there is no one else.

I know that love isn’t easy and we all come to it imperfect, with our own issues but I feel like there’s gotta be something better than this. My gf of 12 years has BPD plus a combination of other mental disorders. In the beginning it was we had our ups and downs.

We have a really close relationship with a Bipolar male. He is in a down cycle switched his job, lost his car, lost his apartment. He is slowing working on getting his life back on track.

Helping others until you yourself break down is not a badge of honor. I guess what I am trying to say is GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO HEAL. See how strong you are that you were able to take all of that. Wow, I did not realize so many people wrote in the meantime.

I’m telling you this because your lack of experience is getting the best of you. He KNOWS you’re emotionally weak and he wants to exploit that, manipulate you and sleep with you. He works very odd hours, so when he texts me very late , 3/4am he normally wants to ”sext”. When I haven’t spoken to him in a few days I want to catch up first, also my moods fluctuate from intense/passionate/excited a lot where as he is very constant. So if he is in a talking mood, he cant be physical, when he is in a physical mood, he cant talk. When he tries to sext me, sometimes im in a very talkative mood.

The answer to your question isn’t something you should be wondering so much about. The answer is that this is simply how he is and he’ll never change if he doesn’t get help. There’s a reason he’s single and been failing with women and you can see that now. I guess I would like more coaching and more advanced advice about males with BPD. For example, finding my edge… haha I dress edgy, I am a yogi.