What is an education record? Education records that are subject to these privacy laws encompass a wide scope of information, including grades, housing information, class enrollment, attendance information, counseling or medical records from campus health centers, disciplinary records and tuition balance information.
Schools may release private education records to third parties – including family members – only if the law permits or if the student has a signed a valid authorization.
When may school officials release private education records to family members? It depends on a number of factors; some situations do not require the student’s consent. For example, where the health or safety of the student or others is in danger, school officials may release information in order to deal with that emergency. Those are rare situations.
In most circumstances, family members will need to show a signed, dated authorization for release of information. A form that has been developed for this use is located in the student services office at each M State campus and is available online through the Release of Information Form link above. Lees verder