Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on Dating Apps (or Just Socializing)?

Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on Dating Apps (or Just Socializing)?

If you’re wondering whether you’re going to catch your boyfriend cheating on dating apps, it can be frustrating to tread the line between caution and paranoia.

However, even though this stressful time, you can find the love of your life. But there are always going to be some stumbling blocks.

But for one reason or another, many people keep dating profiles up after deciding to settle into a more long-term relationship.

Make sure you understand the answers to these important questions before you go crazy about the dating profile in question.

1. Are Dating Apps Just for Dating?

You probably think you know the answer to this one. After all, it’s in the name. What else could it be for?

Although it’s relatively rare to actually find this happening, it’s true that you can use certain dating apps for friendship as well as love.

2. Will You Probably Catch Your Boyfriend Cheating on a Dating App?

It’s vastly more common for cheaters to use social media to flirt with and eventually hook up with someone else.

Of the top four apps that college students used to meet people without their partner knowing, only one was a dating app.

These top four apps actually make up an incredible 53.4% of the total. Tinder is the only dating app at 11.8%. Snapchat leads at 20.8%, with Instagram trailing behind at 11.8% and Facebook a close fourth at 9%.

3. Did You Catch Him Cheating in the Past?

This is probably an even more important question than even the question of whether he has a dating app on his phone.

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Cheaters never change.” It’s not completely accurate, but cheaters definitely, have a pretty lasting mark on their record.

When you’re considering the question, don’t just take yourself into account. Has he ever cheated on a previous girlfriend? He might still be carrying those tendencies.

Although it’s probably better to approach things more liberally if he’s always been loyal, that probably doesn’t hold true if he’s cheated before.

If he wants to keep your trust, he’ll understand when you tell him that a dating profile makes you uncomfortable.

4. Should You Create a Compromise if Cheating Persists?

Maybe cutting him off completely isn’t the answer. Besides, if he feels like you’re overreacting, he may get resentful, which can drive a completely different wedge between you two.

But that doesn’t mean you have to just let him do whatever he wants. You should be communicating about it.

Share His Account- Catch Cheating Immediately

It’s true that people value their privacy. It may not be his first choice. But if you’re uncomfortable with him being on dating apps, he may be okay giving up a bit of privacy.

Don’t make him feel infantilized with this option. He shouldn’t feel like you’re a helicopter parent controlling his every move.

That way, you get notifications when he receives messages, so you only have to intervene if you see something inappropriate.

Prevent Cheating Before it Happens- Review His Profile

You can easily combine this with the other compromise options. It’s simple: he just agrees that you can quickly look over his profile.

After all, 10% of college students with a dating or social app installed have actually met up with someone else. You may want to squash that.

Whitelist Harmless Apps

Maybe you’re okay with him using Tinder, which he can definitely use for more platonic conversations, but not eHarmony, which is essentially just for dating.

It may actually help even more to whitelist social media apps than dating apps. After all, your boyfriend probably knows that you’d be uncomfortable with certain dating apps.

5. What Does It Mean to Catch Your Boyfriend Cheating?

If you feel like your boyfriend broke your trust, even if he doesn’t feel the same way, it’s going to cause issues in your relationship.

Avoid Cheating- Maintain Communication and Trust

It’s hard to hear, but there’s nothing you can personally do to completely stop him from cheating on you if he’s determined to do so.

If you’re both in this together and you promise to be faithful, you can make it through college and beyond.

It’s hard to think about whether you’ll catch your boyfriend cheating, but with these questions, you can address your boyfriend’s dating app activity with the right finesse.