Gary Ng 174 (The videos he didnt want you to see)

Gary Ng 174 (The videos he didnt want you to see)

Sg ITE Student KoVan (Not suitAble fOr slim girL suppOrter)

Gary Ng says “Sorry for missing for a period of time. Busy with my work too! Anyway, loaded a video i taken sometime ago. Not pretty or slim lady this time. I dont judge a lady by looks or figure as i think all ladies are the same, its only these girls are lazy thats all. If they really work hard, many girls can be prettier & sexy too. Anyway, this girls just turn 18 when i meet her. Loaded this video taken by my second cam to during our session as my first cam had problem saving our video. So no choice i gotta post this video. Well, i cant always post the pretty babes right. Enjoy. Cheers!!”

“I dont judge a lady by looks or figure as i think all ladies are the same, its only these girls are lazy thats all. If they really work hard, many girls can be prettier & sexy too.”

“Anyway, this girls just turn 18 when i meet her. Loaded this video taken by my second cam to during our session as my first cam had problem saving our video. So no choice i gotta post this video.”


Hi all, my apology for not updating my blog recently. Had been busy with my work & just came back to singapore tonight. The purpose of this Dr Love video is requested by many of you on how to have sex with your partner, how to satify my partner, how to give the sex making a longer duration with more positions or how to last longer. Hope this is enough to help by giving u all some ideas on which position i used on my partners.

For all recent comments on fat girls videos & hot babes videos, i decided to post those Fat girls (so call by some) videos to elsewhere rather then here. Maybe to a new blog for those who doesnt dislike baby elephant & appreciate girls regardless fat, slim, pretty or ugly. This blog will maintain for “PRETTIER BABES” videos. So quite a number of new videos i cant post here because i think they are FAT to some. The new link for the blog will be given to my followers or none ANTI garyng174 brothers & sisters. Hopefully this Dr Love video i post will be helpful to those who ask for it.

Gary Ng 174 is Love Sick

Gary Ng Said “Everything came to an end of my dream. I found out the cruel truth tonight after being in my dreamland for the recent 6 days. She was like an angel coming to me when she add me to msn. My mind totally went blank when i saw her photos as she looks so much smiliar to my ex gf who been with me for 6 years & nearly marrying. We chat for nights & me staying in msn till morning just to chat my heart out to her. She had send me her photo & i had kept her well in my mobile & even in my handphone background so i can see her anytime anywhere. For 6 days, she never left my eyes. The cruel things is i found out that is a guy who add me in msn using her photos trying to cheat me to transfer money to him. Using the account number he gave me, i found out the name behind this account & confirmed this ANGEL for 6 days is a guy who trying to cheat me. How i wish i wont found out this truth & live in my dream with her. Thinking i had found my goal in life again, now its totally destroyed again. My only regret now is i dont even know who she is. Where is she? I think, gary ng will never find his love again..Its difficult for him to trust or love anyone that easy again. Will any kind soul at least let me know her name if anyone know her? At least just a NAME for a memories i have for 6 days. “