4 Alcohol Addiction Recovery Stories

Williams relapsed in 2006 but immediately sought out help by attending a rehab clinic. Celebrities are humans, just like us, and despite their fame, money and cool occupation, many celebrities have gone on to suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. This further proves that knows no boundaries – rich or poor, old or young – anyone can be susceptible to addiction. This is a great option for clients that are in need of continued treatment, but are returning home to be with their families during this time. “I’ve had a really hard time getting my recovery back. I wasn’t sponsoring anybody; wasn’t helping anybody.

However, if you were to query a woman’s family or friends about her habits, many would not even know she has a problem. That’s because women are more likely to drink alone and keep it hidden. I struggled with my addiction to alcohol for decades. Most of the time I was a ‘functioning’ alcoholic. Sometimes I would abstain for a week or two until I was convinced I could handle my liquor. Try as I might I never could for long as a couple of beers turned into a couple of drinks and soon I was only drinking beer as a chaser after a long pull off of a big bottle.

I am also a lot more introverted than I thought I was but that’s okay. That I can learn to trust people and make friends without drinking, and also who are truly not my friends, and that’s okay too. Review the personal stories of people recovering from substance use disorders below and share your story here. By college, Jules’ alcohol dependence was spiraling out of control. Alcohol was easily obtainable in her college town, and she found herself gravitating towards peers that used and sold drugs. Worse, alcohol had become such a necessity in her life that she couldn’t even manage to feel drunk anymore. Around this time, Jules hit her lowest point, suffering a miscarriage of a pregnancy she hadn’t even been aware of.

  • People can attest to the miracles that places like Valley Hope have to offer.
  • There is nothing special about me, I just realize the importance of putting in the effort to get what I want and what I am worthy of.
  • His father allowed him to smoke cannabis at the age of six.
  • Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication.

Believe me, I tried to blame everyone and everything I knew for my drinking; the death of my child, the ex-husbands, etc. Everyone was responsible for my drinking except me.

Inspirational Substance Abuse And Addiction Recovery Stories

This program starts with not taking the first drink! I go to meetings, several a week, I have a sponsor, and get this, I sponsor others today! I read the big book and work the steps just to name a few of the things in my program. When I discovered running in May 2013, my life drastically changed for the better once again.

  • Confronted with dogma and students of the bible, I soon dropped out.
  • However, we want you to know that recovery is possible.
  • Over the years I had bits of sobriety but most of the time I wouldn’t admit it at my home group meetings.
  • That I needed to be totally abstinent from alcohol and to take life one day at a time.

My son, I thought, would solve our problems and bring us closer. I was struck sober, lying on my living room floor, unable to get up, bleeding from a gastric ulcer just before Labor Day weekend in 2004. That is where this amazing journey in sobriety began. Ice hockey was a logical vessel for this strategy and I excelled at the sport. At the end of high school, I came to the realization that I wasn’t going to be a professional hockey player and dropped the sport altogether.

Our Programs

I am currently a resident at Real Recovery in North Tampa. The apartments at the facility have all been remodeled and are like new. The property is really clean and I have access to all the amenities as well as a pool table, a workout gym, a library, a computer room, and an air hockey table. The staff is very helpful and supportive and the residents are all like one big Family. I’m glad I found this place and would not be where I am today had I not.

I felt in my heart that they were on my side. I had met my new family, I was walking up a hill and out of a cave into the light of a brand new dawn. As I placed my cup on the wall, with my extended family watching I never felt such a sense of accomplishment, connection and gratitude. I look at my cup every day, count my blessings and thank my higher power and thank him for this wonderful journey I’m blessed to be a part of. I named my Valley Hope cup “One Day at a Time” because it is the most important step each of us in recovery must live by. It was difficult to do anything other than watch the clock, so I knew when it was safe to take another round of pain medication. If I had to drive anywhere, I had to get a ride or plan my driving when I wasn’t on pain meds – which only added to my pain level and the urgent feeling I had to take my pain medication.

  • In the 1970s, he was a household name with extravagant outfits and a larger than life stage presence.
  • The recovery community is full of people who use or have used Soberlink and are blazing a new trail in sobriety.
  • The place is clean and was recently updated; giant TVs in every room and all the amenities of home.
  • He then experienced several blackouts over the proceeding days due to his alcoholism.
  • I am the third of four sons, each about two years apart.

For the first time, I heard that “rarely” almost never, have my fellows seen someone fail who simply followed the path that others laid out for me. In fact, my fellows were “Begging” me to be fearless and thorough from the very start!

Visitors To The Verywell Mind Addiction Site Share Their Experience

I began a friendship with another woman during this time. We talked about our discontent with our marriages, among other things. Soon we were flirting and going to lunch together. I was very fearful of beginning a romantic relationship. I was leaving behind a lifestyle that was filled with pain and enormous tragedy and suffering. My name is Tucker Allgood, and I am an alcoholic addict. I am 24 years old and have been clean and sober since December 14, 2012.

Following a routine operation when Curtis was 35, she became addicted to painkillers. Curtis also ‘self-medicated’ with alcohol in order to ease loneliness. There are millions of addiction recovery stories, but not enough are covered in the media – except when it involves a celebrity. Here are some of our favorite famous addiction recovery stories. “Early on, I was staying sober because of my father.

After 9 years of multiple facilities we found JourneyPure. One year later my son is clean and doing well. Choosing recovery close to home means your support system is just a few miles away. I was still unsure what I wanted to do with my marriage. I knew I needed to focus on recovery and not make any other major decisions.

sobriety success stories

Real Recovery is a growing community of sober living homes located in the Tampa Bay area. Our properties are located throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee, and Sarasota County). At first, I wasn’t sure if I would go back and get my Valley Hope cup after that first year of sobriety. Yet, after I left Atchison, I would drive down every third Friday for Renewal day from Nebraska City. I could see other one-year alumni receiving their cups and how happy and proud they were. On my one-year anniversary of sobriety, I wanted to feel that way too.

Recovery & Support Navigation

I got married to a very kind man and when we were saving up for a deposit to buy a house we restricted our drinking to a bottle of wine on Friday and Saturday nights with our meal. They were happy times however they couldn’t last. In addition to the right medical and professional care and local support groups, online resources can play an important role, too. This year, we’re honoring alcohol recovery blogs that are committed to educating, inspiring, and empowering people on their recovery journey. By this time in my life, I had been abused by my family—sexually and emotionally—for as long as I could remember. I hadn’t even lived a decade, and I hurt so much I wished it were over already.

There are as many ways to live free of drugs and alcohol as there are stories of successful sober people. For women wanting more help quitting drinking, Kate offers a 6-week online coaching program that teaches a step-by-step formula to change your relationship with alcohol for good. A few months ago, I was asked to speak with four women, all heroin addicts newly entered into rehab, and encourage them in their recovery. We met at a restaurant near their treatment facility, along with two counselors from their program, one of my drug abuse experts, and a former client now clean and sober. Since getting sober, I’ve learned to love myself, forgive myself, and live as the person I was created to be. A life like this takes a lot of work for someone like me. Recovery has impacted my life in many ways.


Even those who are the toast of the town in Hollywood and in the music industry are susceptible to addiction. Many actors and musicians have different ways of coping with their fame and have fallen victim to some form of substance abuse. Some experts suggest that people in recovery are happier than their non-alcoholic peers. I often want to share about how wonderful sobriety is, but that can feel overwhelming because there are so many experiences I could discuss.

When it was announced that Carol was my counselor, there was a “ohhhhhh” sound all fell over the room. I sat down in front of her and she said, “I can see from your test results that you’re manipulative and self-centered.” To which I replied, “Yes, of course, I am. Valley Hope was, and will forever be, the place that taught me accountability, gave me my life and my dreams. As I write this, I have been given the opportunity to be a part of a facility that gave me hope. Thank you can never fully articulate what I feel about Valley Hope. In those 30 years, I’ve buried my mother and my little brother to this disease. Last year, I buried my husband of 35 years.

Get Treatment

Over the next six weeks, with the help of my counselor and group members, I began to explore my character flaws and incorporate the principles of alcoholics anonymous into my life. After completing residency, I found a private practice opportunity that seemed like a good fit for me. My wife https://ecosoberhouse.com/ was pregnant with our second child. I started a pain practice as part of this small anesthesia group and became quite successful in the medical community. I did become friendly with two non-physician coworkers, and we began getting together for martinis and cigars on a frequent basis.

Get a sponsor, go to meetings, read your literature and use your higher power whatever that may be. That sobriety may seem selfish at first but you have to think of yourself for once.

If you are serious about your recovery this is the best place to be. Life can be peaceful and great – one day at a time. Without their help and guidance, I know that I would not be here writing this email to you. Treatment is the time where you have the most access to tools and people who are willing to help you. It took a bit of time, but once I had the courage to begin creating again I was stunned at the depth and clarity of my work, both writing and painting. It’s almost as though something inside me has been freed, and it’s churning out endless ideas, endless inspiration. It’s humbling, it’s exhilarating, and it’s created a whole new chapter for me—figuratively and literally.

Once a life in recovery and a life of complete abstinence from alcohol became more normal for Laura, she began to excel in her chosen profession – writing. Getting and staying sober is very challenging, but with the sobriety success stories right support network and tools, it’s completely attainable. What we can guarantee is that residents who are willing to follow simple suggestions, be honest, and genuinely put in the rigorous effort required…